I am so excited to be offering this complete course to you. I have appreciated your connections and am eager to connect even more in the days ahead. These 4 teleclasses will give us a chance to do this. We will be able to interact at last! I welcome your questions and comments and want this to be the most positive and useful experience! If you can't make the dates and times, please register anyway. Each telecless will be recorded for you to download and keep to listen at your leisure. even if you are on "live" with me, I suggest recording the calls because you will want to listen to them again and

Oh yes! AND you will automatically be entered in a raffle for a FREE copy of my brand new book, The Appetite Connection, when it is released in July. You will get your copy before it hits the store shelves!!! How cool is that? So, register now! You'll be glad you did!
Please join me, Dr. Denise Lamothe, for
The Appetite Connection:
Six Steps to Your Delicious Life and the Body You Long For
Participants will be automatically
entered in a drawing for a signed, first edition copy of Dr. Denise’s new book !
Classes held on Tuesdays, May 24th & 31st and June 7th & 14th. Cost is $30 for all four seminars! Don’t worry if you can’t make the calls. Register anyway and you will receive a link to each call so you can download, keep and listen to at your leisure*...and, of course, you will want to be entered in the exciting drawing for a FREE book!
· Stop overeating and create the body you long for?
· Understand where and why your overeating behavior began?
· Let go of those old hurts that still hurt?
· Assume full responsibility for all aspects of your life?
· Befriend your appetite and use your internal guidance system?
· Utilize the valuable principles of The Law of Attraction?
· Make smart, healthy, empowering choices?
· Craft a flexible, personalized plan to help yourself every day?
· Contract with yourself to take the best possible care of yourself?
*NOTE: A recording of each call will be available to those that register so if you can't attend live... register anyway! Hope to "see" you there!
Make this you BEST day ever! Dr. Denise
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