I am preparing my next book for publication (more about that soon) and many exciting things are happening and happening fast! I will be blogging a little more often to keep you all posted and learn what I can do to support you.
Back in 2004, I founded a special holiday during the month of April to raise awareness of emotional overeating as a vital issue in today's society. Every year I wanted people to keep it fresh in their mind. This year, once again, the month of April is Emotional Overeating Awareness Month. For more information go to
http://www.emotionalovereatingawareness.com/ . Throughout the month I will be focusing on this topic with speeches, classes and helpful hints to avoid emotional overeating.
Every day during April, I will email one useful tip, for a total of 30 great tips for you to use. If you'd like to receive them, sign up at
http://www.emotionalovereatingawareness.com/ !We know now that most diets DO NOT work - in fact they CAUSE weight gain. They do this by enticing us with promises that are unrealistic. They say we will permanently shed pounds by depriving ourselves of food and consequently, fun. Then our bodies scream at us to feed them more because we do not feel satisfied. Chances are we have not eaten enough of the foods we require to have the energy and zest we need to meet the demands of each day.
Emotionally we may feel sad and discouraged about how we have deprived ourselves and make up for that by eating double or triple the amounts and eating much more often. We then gain any weight back that we may have lost and, as each pound tips the scale, our feelings of guilt and shame grow in proportion to our waistlines. Of course, this leads us to the refrigerator or cupboard for some little morsel to "take the edge off" our pain and we start spinning in this cycle of deprivation and emotional overeating to calm ourselves. We beat ourselves up, seek food for comfort and gain even more weight while trying even harder to be "good" (no, "perfect") dieters. These feverish attempts to diet and drop 20 pounds in a weekend only reinforce our failure and bring more and more self-deprecating feelings.
Please join me for my first forty-five minute teleseminar to celebrate Emotional Overeating Awareness Month on Thursday April 7th at 12:00 EST. The Seminar is FREE and you will get loads of vital information to help you as you continue to Tame Your Chew. To register visit
http://www.emotionalovereatingawareness.com/ . If you have friends who are struggling with this, they are welcome to join us. Please forward this link to all your friends!
Remember emotional eating is always a way to take care of yourself. See how many healthy alternative ways to nurture and soothe yourself you can think of and use. Remember, the best way to halt emotional overeating is by taking the very best care of yourself. You deserve it!
And the challenge for you is to combat the strong desire to overeat to soothe your feelings. What are some healthier ways to cope with this situation? Read on for some ideas.As always I am here for you, Dr. Denise